Bulk Indemnity Agreement



We wish to thank all owners who have submitted their consents for the Bulk Indemnity (s.98) Agreement. A big shout out to Nancy Beggs who worked tirelessly and collaborated with Management on thissuccessful campaign. We are pleased to advise that the agreement has been registered on all unit titles, except for one.

Please click on the link below to view the registered agreement and kindly retain a copy for your records. Owners should be referring to this document before wishing to make any changes to their unit/common elements. Some alterations are permitted by the agreement and some may require a new approval by the Board of Directors, prior to commencement of any work. If you are ever in doubt, please contact us at reflectionbay@centralerin.com. It would be better to err on the side of caution than have unauthorized alterations done. Those could only prove to be cumbersome and costly for the owner.

Thank you again!

Property Management