Owners Information Meeting April 6/23 Minutes

To all owners:                                                                           April 18, 2023

Thank you to the owners and full board who attended the Owners Information Meeting on April 6th.

The minutes from that meeting, along with the power point presentation slide deck that Puro Clean displayed are now available for review both on the web portal and web site.

In terms of the next steps:

1)     Inspection of all roof’s, by Maxim Roofing (notice will be sent out shortly);

2)     Scheduling of attic inspections by Puro Clean – Puro Clean will be reaching out to each owner directly to schedule this inspection. They have stated that the inspection should take no more than an hour;

3)     Any and all deficiencies noted in the report will be formally quoted, and upon board approval, scheduled directly with owners by the contractor(s);

4)     Upon completion of this initiative, all owners will receive all reports for their unit, along with any documentation that is provided by Puro Clean (in the event that your attic was remediated);

5)     A final report will be issued, advising the owners of the total cost of the project, and total number of affected units which were remediated and/or repaired related to noted deficiencies

Please click on the link to review the minutes from the meeting along with the powerpoint presentation