Owners Information Meeting April 6/23 Minutes

To all owners:                                                                           April 18, 2023

Thank you to the owners and full board who attended the Owners Information Meeting on April 6th.

The minutes from that meeting, along with the power point presentation slide deck that Puro Clean displayed are now available for review both on the web portal and web site.

In terms of the next steps:

1)     Inspection of all roof’s, by Maxim Roofing (notice will be sent out shortly);

2)     Scheduling of attic inspections by Puro Clean – Puro Clean will be reaching out to each owner directly to schedule this inspection. They have stated that the inspection should take no more than an hour;

3)     Any and all deficiencies noted in the report will be formally quoted, and upon board approval, scheduled directly with owners by the contractor(s);

4)     Upon completion of this initiative, all owners will receive all reports for their unit, along with any documentation that is provided by Puro Clean (in the event that your attic was remediated);

5)     A final report will be issued, advising the owners of the total cost of the project, and total number of affected units which were remediated and/or repaired related to noted deficiencies

Please click on the link to review the minutes from the meeting along with the powerpoint presentation

Owners Information Meeting AGENDA April 6/23 - Mould/Budget/Reserve Fund Study

HCC 78

Owners Information Meeting

April 6, 2023 – 6pm




1.       Introduction – Board, Management, PuroClean


2.       Attic Investigation & Mould Remediation


a.       Timeline of events

                                                               i.      First notification received during a routine home inspection

                                                             ii.      Investigation and remediation of first unit by PuroClean

1.       Determines that mould was dormant, authorization given to remediate attic

                                                           iii.      Opinion from corporations lawyer and auditor related to responsibility of attic

1.       Determined that the inspection of attics for mould, and the remediation of these areas would be the responsibility of the corporation;

2.       Confirmation that these expenses would be paid out of reserve, not operations

3.       Attic space must not be altered by a unit owner, without the authorization of the board. Attics must never be used for storage.

                                                           iv.      Inspection of additional units to determine extent of issue

1.       November 10, 2022 board meeting direction was to inspect a block of units to determine the extent of potential mould

                                                             v.      Of the 11 units inspected to-date, 6 were found to have mould, and have been remediated

                                                           vi.      During this time, an updated Reserve Fund Study was being conducted. Within this study, an allowance was carried for both mould remediation, eavestrough repairs and attic/insulation repairs 

                                                          vii.      The February 2023 PIC provided this detail (page #5)

                                                        viii.      February 21, 2023 board meeting reviewed the PuroClean reports received, and introduced additional questions related to other issues which the corporation may need to review and address, namely bathroom venting, insulation potentially blocking the soffits and existing roof venting capacity

1.       Attic space must not be altered by a unit owner, without the authorization of the board. Attics must never be used for storage.

                                                            ix.      March 15, 2023 board meeting

1.       Additional direction from the corporations lawyer was sought which confirmed that the board should look to the corporations engineer to provide a wholesome checklist to identify potential issues and solutions to address these issues

2.       Confirmation that these expenses would be paid out of reserve, not operations

3.       Proceed with WSP proposal to conduct an inspection of two attics, and develop a template to be used for future inspections, as well as to identify all issues that the corporation would need to address

                                                             x.      The board sought quotes to inspect the remaining units, with PuroClean providing the most competitive quote

                                                            xi.      WSP report is currently pending.

                                                          xii.      WSP Reserve Fund study was formally approved, providing for the allowances as noted in the February 2023 PIC notice.


b.       Next Steps

                                                               i.      Owners will be contacted by PuroClean to schedule a date and time for an inspection, which will occur between 9-5, Monday – Friday;

                                                             ii.      The board will review all inspection reports from PuroClean, and upon approval, will issue work orders for those units which require mould remediation and/or attention to the attic (as per the WSP checklist)


c.       Costs to date

                                                               i.      PuroClean - $12,147.50

                                                             ii.      WSP (attic inspection report) $4,237.50

                                                           iii.      Corporations Lawyer - $959.57

                                                           iv.      Corporations Auditor - $0.00


d.       Upcoming Anticipated Costs

                                                               i.      PuroClean Mould Inspections/Remediation estimated depending on quantity of units requiring remediation - $94,000

1.       Attic inspections @ $169.50/unit

2.       Attic mould remediation as required, ranges on size of unit - $2,034 – 2,600

                                                             ii.      Contractor (TBD) to address eaves/soffit, attic & insulation repairs - $98,000

3.       Budget & RFS

a.       Q&A

Owners Update - March 22, 2023

To all owners:                                                                           March 22, 2023

Further to our recent notice to hold the date, regarding an Owners Information Meeting, the board is providing some background and context to the agenda items that will be discussed at that meeting, as well as to provide additional information regarding the recently approved 2023/24 Operating Budget and Reserve Fund Study as per attached to this notice (sp.centralerin.com or www.hcc78.com and click on the Log in to the Web Portal button at the top of the page).

Attic Investigation & Mould Remediation

The board was first notified of mould in the attic of a unit, during a third party home inspection.

PuroClean Restoration was engaged by the board to remediate the attic, which was successfully completed in the same day.  Of note – Attics are a common element

The board undertook to investigate a small number of other units to determine if this issue was isolated or if there may be a larger number of units affected.  In total, 6 out of 9 units were confirmed to have mould in the attic. These units were treated.

It should be noted that PuroClean has confirmed that the mould in the attics inspected is not active.

The board sought an opinion from our Auditor, Engineer (WSP) who was conducting the Reserve Fund Study update, and the corporation solicitor, to confirm that the expense would be paid for out of the reserve account.  As noted - Attics are a common element at HCC 78.

The corporation’s solicitor also emphasized that any alterations to an attic, such as venting for exhaust fans in bathrooms, must be brought to the attention of the board of directors, through property management, before any work is done. Additionally, attics are not to be used for storage or for any other purpose.

For the purposes of the Reserve Fund Study, the board has made an assumption about the number of potential units which may require mould remediation and/or other repairs to address noted deficiencies.  The average cost per unit to address mould remediation ranges between $2,200 and $2,600 depending on the size of the attic and the extent of the mould.


The board has also engaged WSP to assist and create an inspection checklist which will include the evaluation of the attic insulation and ventilation conditions and requirements to assist in the decision making, planning and implementation of repairs where needed.

An inspection will be required for every attic, to determine if there is mould, as well to identify deficiencies as part of the WSP checklist. The board sourced three contractors to undertake this inspection and found PuroClean to be the most cost effective. Additional information will be sent shortly on how you can schedule your inspection with PuroClean.

The goal is to ensure that all mould is remediated, and any deficiencies are addressed to minimize a recurrence in the future.

For those who are unable to attend in person, minutes will be provided shortly after the meeting.  Should you have any questions prior to the meeting, please feel free to email them to Central Erin Property Management (reflectionbay@centralerin.com).


The board recently approved the 2023/24 Operating Budget. The majority of this years increase, of 13.99% was attributed to three categories, Insurance, Reserve Fund Contribution and Contingency.

Insurance premiums are primarily a function of replacement valuation and claims. The recent replacement valuation, conducted by Suncorp Valuations, saw a year over year increase in replacement, from $15,208,000 to $19,451,000, due in large part to inflationary pressures in the construction sector. This $4,243,000 increase in valuation (27.9% increase) will translate into a higher premium

Reserve Fund Contribution has increased to be in line with the recently approved study. This year’s contribution of $112,128, is $13,588 (13.79%) more than the previous year’s contribution. It should be noted that while the study is a guide, the reality is that there will be a sustained requirement for increased funds which will be required to address the various capital projects

Contingency is a new line item that the board felt was prudent, given the uncertainty of inflationary pressures.


Reserve Fund Study

Every condo corporation is legally required every three years to update a Reserve Fund Study (RFS). The RFS is done by a qualified engineering firm and estimates expenses to maintain the corporation’s assets over a multi-year horizon. A RFS can occur more frequently than three years, if desired.


Reflective of inflation and significant increases in construction and material costs since the previous study, our condo’s 2023 RFS increased the expenditures we collectively may face in the future as owners. The RFS gives rise to the need to allocate a significant portion of your monthly condo fees to the reserve fund, to proactively prepare for these future expenditures.


The RFS is provided and the board of directors and property management will answer your questions at the April 6 meeting.

Bulk Indemnity Agreement



We wish to thank all owners who have submitted their consents for the Bulk Indemnity (s.98) Agreement. A big shout out to Nancy Beggs who worked tirelessly and collaborated with Management on thissuccessful campaign. We are pleased to advise that the agreement has been registered on all unit titles, except for one.

Please click on the link below to view the registered agreement and kindly retain a copy for your records. Owners should be referring to this document before wishing to make any changes to their unit/common elements. Some alterations are permitted by the agreement and some may require a new approval by the Board of Directors, prior to commencement of any work. If you are ever in doubt, please contact us at reflectionbay@centralerin.com. It would be better to err on the side of caution than have unauthorized alterations done. Those could only prove to be cumbersome and costly for the owner.

Thank you again!

Property Management

Community Safety Notice Nov 14/22

Community Safety Notice

An owner at Reflection Bay provided us with a video of an event that took place this past weekend. 

In the video, you can see the woman getting out of the rain but then when she didn’t stay there and looked right down at the package and then spotted the camera she left.


You can see that she does not come up the driveway or leave down the driveway.

It appears that she spotted the box and circled around and came from the lakeside to take it.

We thought residents in the complex should be aware of it and anyone with cameras might want to check them. We can all be vigilant.—especially when there will likely be more deliveries in the next few weeks for Christmas gifts etc.

Property Management

Asphalt Project 2022 - August 31, 2022

Asphalt, curb, and sidewalk project

September 2, 2022

The board has recently awarded the contract to replace all common area asphalt and repair damaged curbs and sidewalks, to Metro Asphalt. This work is anticipated to start on September 19th (weather permitting).

During this project, which should take approximately 10 business days (weather permitting), access to some homes may be unavailable. Town of Oakville street parking passes are being applied for and will be distributed no later than September 16th.

The project will be split into give components:

1) Curbs repair/replacement *

2) Sidewalk repair/replacement *

3) New asphalt in drivelane of the first half of the project

4) New asphalt in other half of the project & the addition of speed bumps

5) Line marking

*Not all curbs and sidewalks are being replaced, only ones that have been identified and approved by the board. This work will also include the removal of the small islands in visitor parking, which will allow us to add one additional parking space.

While this work is underway, we ask that all residents be mindful of the construction vehicles. If you have any concerns, you may contact either the lead foreman at Metro, or management

.Metro Asphalt Notice

2nd Spider Treatment August 8-11, 2022



NOTICE For Spider sprays
Date: Monday, August 8, 2022 - Thursday, August 11, 2022

Time: Aanteater will be on-site starting between 8 am-9 am.

They will need all vehicles moved from the driveways by 9 am. This is to ensure easy access to the front area of units for the spider sprays.

They have provided additional days in the event they are unable to attend on a given day due to weather, or the weather prevents them from completing a full day's work. As such, they are unable to provide a schedule of which units will be completed on a given day.

All back gates must be unlocked so they can access the backyard areas for service.

All pets should be kept inside while they are servicing your unit.

All units must leave all windows closed for them to perform the exterior spider sprays.

All furniture on the upper floor balconies needs to be removed from the balconies or if they cannot remove it, they need to be moved to one corner close to the house to give the technicians the safe access they need.
