Avoid Holiday Fires in Your Rental Property

The holiday season brings out the best in tenants and building owners alike, which is why it’s important to work together to reduce the risks of a holiday fire. Unfortunately, fires are more common this time of year, partly due to cooking holiday meals and décor choices.

How can you ensure your tenants stay safe? Here are our tips to avoid a holiday fire in your property.

3 Energy Saving Tips for Your Rental Property

As a property owner, you will likely feel a duty this winter to keep your tenants warm and happy. On the other hand, you probably also feel a responsibility to not waste energy. How do you save energy as a property owner, keep your utility costs low, and keep your tenants happy?

Everything You Need to Know About Condo Reserve Funds

It is mandatory that your condominium collects reserve funds. How much should your director be collecting for the fund? Further, what can those funds be used for? We’ll discuss everything you need to know about condo reserve funds.

Preventing & Addressing Property Maintenance

From time to time, every property needs regular upkeep and repair. When important items are left unattended it'll begin to underperform and lose its functionality, leaving your tenants unhappy and dissatisfied. So how do you prevent maintenance problems in the first place?

How Often Can Landlords Perform Inspections?

Balancing your ability to inspect your property and your tenant’s right to privacy can be a challenging task. A smart landlord will do their best to abide by the law but to also make their tenant feel trusted and comfortable. We’ve become very familiar with Ontario laws and made it easy for landlords to best inspect their property.

Property Management Fees: What You Need to Know

When you’re looking for a property management firm to manage your investment, you may be curious about regulations and associated fees – specifically what they cover and the total costs. Take a look at our property management services and breakdown fees and see what works best for you.

Attracting Rental Property Leads Using Instagram

Many businesses have directed their marketing strategies to be compatible with highly visual experiences and have had great success using Instagram to draw more interest and customers. Property management is no exception. Here’s how to attract rental property leads using Instagram.

Landlord Rights When Tenant Charged with Criminal Activity

You may likely face a situation where one of your tenants is charged with a criminal activity. The severity and aftermath of the crime will differ depending on the tenant and their situation. This is one of the more complex situations in the property management field and it is important that you understand your rights as a landlord.

New Mortgage Rules: How They Affect Property Investors & The Rental Market

You may be unaware of the recently introduced and much stricter mortgage qualification rules. The Federal government has ordered these new rules in an attempt to begin stabilizing the Canadian real estate market and reduce the amount of debt Canadians (and our financial institutions) are burdened with.

Five Steps to Finding the Perfect Rental Home

With housing and property prices constantly rising, renting is becoming an increasingly popular option for singles, couples, and families. Many members of the younger demographic prefer renting for its lack of permanency. Short-term leases are the perfect option for people who are not sure how long they’ll want to live in a specific location due to changing employment and relationships.

Ontario’s New Lease Agreements

As of April 30th, 2018 it has become a legal obligation for most residential landlords to use a standardized lease agreement. According to the Financial Post, this 13-page document intends to “level a very unbalanced playing field for tenants and landlords, and close a gap in negotiating power between the two parties.” Here’s what you need to know

5 Photography Tips to Improve Your Rental Listings

Taking high-quality images of a property has become a key aspect of property management. Few of us were born with a professional photographer’s eye, but a few tricks can make your photos and property stand out!

How to Efficiently Market Vacant Properties for Rent

Time is a precious resource in property management, especially when you have a vacant property on your hands. You want to make sure to market your properties as efficiently as you can, generating top-quality leads to fill the spot quickly. Here’s how…

Social Media as a Property Management Tool

Social media is more than just an app on your phone or a way to stay in touch with friends and family, it is a powerful business tool. Property management as an industry has been around for a long time. To be successful you can’t just adapt, you have to lead the way. Today, that means embracing social media as a property management tool.

How To Solve Difficult Problems with Tenants

No matter how great a judge of character you are or how thorough you are when screening lease candidates, a landlord is bound to run across at least one bad tenant in their time. The best way to pursue any issue is with a calm demeanour, stay within legal parameters and get professional help if you need it.